Puppy play day consists of a one hour play time with other puppies.
Socializing your puppy is really important and here at windle wonder touch we are dedicated to the first few months of your puppies life Open to everyone with a puppy,
Socializing is a way of getting your puppy used to the world outside with other dogs, other animals, humans of every gender and size, objects, things like noises, movement, materials to walk on. We offer supervised Socialization Classes with will help your puppy to have safe experience and quality time with other puppies
Your puppy will expericanced different equipped and surfaces, we have a soft play mini-agility equipment, wobble cushions and place boards, toys and things that make noises, water play and lots more other fun ideas!

Puppy Play Day
Saturdays 12:30 till 13:30
by appointment only
limited numbers